September Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:18 PM with 14 members Present, 3 Absent, and 3 Excused.

The Steve Pimental Memorial Tournament was a great success, with 16 boats. First Place went to the team of Warren Burrell & carl Anderson, & Lunker went to Warren Burrell.  CONGRADULATIONS !!!

Briefly discussed was the matter of a club scale---Do we want to buy a new one or do we want to buy the scale from Bob Iodice ( if he wants to sell it ? )  This matter is still pending.

The Treasuers report showed that at this time we are in the black, and based on this it was voted upon, and accepted, that we pay for all the expences of the 4 man-team.  Also discussed was the pay-out for the last Tournament and weather to base it on full membership or on the number of participents at the lake. This decision is still pending.

Our Awards Banquet is coming up in Feburary (no date yet), so think about what you want to bring--and think about being part of the Banquet Committee. More discusion at the next meeting.

Our next Tournament is at Sampson's Pond on Sunday Sept. 23.

We are 4 members short of a full club. If you know of anyone interested in becoming a member let them know we have openings for  1-Boater and 3 Non-Boaters.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:27PM



Oct. 1st----------------Club Meeting