November Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM with 11 members & 1 new member present, 5 absent and 1 excused. The new member is Erics‘ son Paul. He has joined as a non-boater. It is rumored that there are 2 or 3 more people that want to join. Welcome aboard Paul and it looks like our membership is is on the increase.

The Banquet list for food to bring to the dinner, was passed around, and will be again at the next meeting……Just a reminder…. The Awards Banquet is scheduled for Saturday February 11, 2012 at 6 PM. Alot of donations, such as softbaits, fishing line, Rat-L-Traps, rods, caps, towels, etc.  and more are coming in. The club will purchase 2 rods from St. Croix for the Banquet raffle…..and if you have any unused tackle that you wish to donate for the raffle, bring it to any of the meetings before the dinner.

At the Dec. meeting ALL the members will receive their raffle tickets to sell. We will be raffling off a frame stuffed with $250.00 worth of scratch tickets. Each member is responsible to sell 5 tickets at $10.00 each and we are only selling 150 tickets and the drawing will be at our Banquet. We will be voting for the "Sportsman of the Year" at the next meeting. Next seasons tournament schedule is in the works and as soon as I get any information, I will post it.

Meeting adjourned at 7:42 PM.

Upcoming Events:

Dec. 5 ………………….Club Meeting