April Meeting

There were three of us at the on line meeting using the new check in system. You go to the website, capecodbass.com, click on the link, type in your name and your in...  no username, no password !

We discussed the membership and the need to increase it ...and how we can raise money for the TOC.  Two suggestions were made.....First, we all have old and unused tackle, we could have a flea market/garage sale and split the money 50/50 with the club, or Second, have another scratch ticket raffle. Both of these ideas are open for discussion at the ramp before the tournament.

Our first tournament of the season will be on Sunday, April 7th at Santuit....See you there.


May 6 ................................On Line Meeting 7PM

May 12...............................Wequaquet

May 19...............................Billington Sea