New Members

Good Morning !!!

I'd like to WELCOME some new members into the club.... They are John Bugbee, Jeff Fresh, Scott Dalton and Jon Gagner Sr. ---Jon and Jeff are old members that have re-joined the club-----Welcome Back....... and Scott and John are new members ---- Welcome to Cape Cod Bass.


Upcoming Events are ----- Our Annual Banquet will be held at Gary Labries house on February 11, 2017 (Thank You Again Gary & Dawn) more information will follow as time gets closer.......


Our fundraiser for "$250.00 in Scratch Tickets" will be mailed out to each member in November. Each person will receive 10 tickets to sell or buy.....the tickets are $10.00 each and the money can be brought to the banquet on 2/11. The drawing will be at the Banquet. If you have any questions, or need more tickets, you can contact me on FB, email or by phone.