Dec. Minutes
Mondays meeting was short with only the officers in attendance. A tentative Tournament Schedule ( which is posted on our website and on facebook) was discussed and commented on, that it was better then last years schedule and I stated that I need to go to the Barnstable Police Dept. to get special permission for parking at Wequaquet. We also discussed the possibility of 3 or 4 new members joining, and that we hope they will come to our Banquet to get acquainted with the members. The donations for the raffle prizes have been coming in --- we have lots of tackle and about 8 rods to raffle off with more stuff coming in ...and our fundraiser raffle ($250.00 in scratch tickets) is also doing well. The Awards for our "Top Anglers" have been ordered and will be picked up next month and last but not leased... the "Angler of the Year" stuff is ready. Our meeting was adjourned 30 minutes after it started.