Glen Charlie Results
A short meeting was held before the tourney ----- It was decided that we will NOT have meetings on line anymore --- instead -- we will have a short meeting at the ramp before each tournament. If there is a need for an on line meeting --- members will be notified in advance by email, facebook or on our website. Also discussed and voted upon was keeping the pay outs the same as in the past and in order to do this we need to drop one of the tournaments on this seasons schedule. By process of a draw --- Snipatuit on June 16 -- has been DROPED from our schedule.
Fishing was SO--SO ---- sun -- fish -- clouds --some fish -- rain -- no fish -- repeat -- change --repeat --change --all day long
Here are the results --
Name # fish Total Wt. Lunker
1- Steve Ayala 4 L 6.51 2.60
2- Andrew Abraham 3 L 4.54 2.55
3- Jeff Fresh 4 L 4.54 1.90
4- Gary Labrie 3 L 4.50 2.09
5- John Bugbee 2 L 3.19 2.07
6- Gary Joy 2 L 2.63
7- Frank Marcano 2 L 2.07
8- Al Simmons 2 L 1.74
9- Scott Dalton 0 0
Next Tournament ---- May 12 -- West Monponsett