Pre-Tournament Bylaws
Officer Responsibilities
Officer Duties are as follows:
- Shall be the sole spokesman for Cape Cod Bass.
- Shall preside over all regular or special club meetings of Cape Cod Bass, direct all business, supervise all club activities, and delegate such duties as may be necessary to better serve the club.
- Shall have the power to vote to break a tie by any club or special committee vote. Shall also have the power to table in place of breaking a tie.
- Shall appoint and special committee that he and the other officers feel necessary.
- Shall review or assign a person or persons to review the descriptive paragraph on Cape Cod Bass, which must be sent to Mass BASS for the Travel Guide once a year.
- Shall assist the Vice President during tournaments.
Vice President:
- Shall assist the President upon request, preside in the absence of the President and assume office of the President shall it be vacated.
- Shall automatically be the Tournament Director of Cape Cod Bass.
- Shall, as Tournament Director, conduct all rulings and maintain all tournaments between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
- Shall work with the President on any special Meetings.
- Shall Maintain all club records (Tournament winners, schedules, newsletters, etc.)
- Shall take the place of other officers duties when they are vacant or unable to perform their duties, as well as assist in conducting meetings and events.
- Shall record Minutes of club meetings.
- Shall be responsible for keeping up-to-date by-laws and club roster.
- Shall receive and disburse all moneys upon approval of the club officers, maintain accurate finnancial records, and present a current balance and a written itemized account of all income and expenses with copies available for each officer at every regular Cape Cod Bass meeting.
- Upon taking office, and within 30 days after, shall transfer all funds to a local bank of the Treasurers choosing and have check singing cards signed by the Cape Cod Bass President and Treasurer with all drawn checks requiring two (2) signatures.
- Shall have the financial records in order for an annual audit to be conducted each year by a special committee of the club officers.