here are the results of the TOC

           Name                                          # Fish                      Weight                        Lunker

1-  Eric  Nelson                                      5 S                         11.00                                  -

2-  Gary Joy                                           4 S                         9.59                                  3.67 S

3-   Gary Labrie                                   4 S                            6.48                                1.79 S

4-   Chuck Casella                                4 S                              5.09                                 -

5-   Dave  Wojcik                                2 S/1 L                         4.92                                 -

6-   Steve  Ayala                                   1 L                              1.95                              1.95 L

7-   Bob  Keefe                                      0                                  0                                -    Left  Early

next up coming event------

Oct. 20 --------Mashpee

see you there